Reserve Your 2025 Nucs Now!

Discounts Available for Quantity Purchases.

Pick Up Your Nucleus Hives April 26, 2025

2025 Laying Queen

Unmarked (fun to spot!)

Productive Bees

Gentle, ready to work

2-3 Frames of Brood

5 frames total in nuc

Easy Transport

In temporary nuc box

Nucleus Hives

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Customers Reviews

Last year was my first year beekeeping, so I bought hives from two different beekeepers. My hives from have been so much healthier! They have tripled in size, made plenty of honey, and built lots of comb. Moving forward I will only buy bees from!
bee, flower, nature-7232193.jpg
Maria E.

Don't miss your chance to sign up for an amazing one-time beekeeping class!

Christi's bees from are consistently healthier, more productive, more gentle, and produce more honey than bees I've purchased from other beekeepers. I don't know how she does it, but you only want to buy bees from!
bee, insect, cartoon-6395170.jpg
James B.
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